Thursday, February 8, 2007

Stencils: Trendy Design

Visual marketing design can be more trendy than New York Fashion Week.

The same way clothes go in and out of style, so do design trends.

Recently, advertisers and businesses have steered towards using more of a modern, sleek design, as seen in ads for Apple Inc.'s iPod.

These print and television ads depict the outline of a person shaded in all black, with a white iPod in their hand. Many ads have followed this trend by featuring solid color logos with slick lines.

Because of the iPod's success in their advertising and marketing endeavors, design in the media has changed, making Apple Inc. a design trend setter.

This new sleek design is similar to the art of stenciling.

There are many artists who work with stencils only. Artists combine Photoshop skills with photos or original drawings, and create multiple-layer stencils to create art that is easy to duplicate.

Many Web sites show how to stencil, though is by far the best. They offer tutorials to learn how to use Photoshop to create stencils, a gallery filled of users recent works, and even advanced tips.

Check out some of these great links, and see for yourself the art that inspired the newest trends in main-stream design.

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